We have also used the front drive way to play with the village children

judith heard husbandJudith heard husband  the husband of judith heard uganda We have 5 blue garden chairs which we use inside and out, if the weather is nice we sit on the front porch and soak up the sun judith heard husband  the husband of judith heard uganda. We have also used the front driveway to play with the village children. I brought bubbles with me which have proved a hit as has the travel hoop my lovely friend

Kellie from hooping lent me judith heard husband  the husband of judith heard uganda ! We often sit out on the back porch if we would like a bit more privacy and when we are cooking, judith heard husband  the judith heard husband husband of judith heard uganda although we often have an audience of kids judith heard husbandwhenever we venture outside, they appear from all sides so there isn’t really quiet time be it out front or out back judith heard husband  the husband of judith heard uganda, or down to the trading centre there is a small child somewhere nearby judith heard husband  the husband of judith heard uganda.judith heard husband

What is this I hear judith heard husband  husband of judith heard uganda you ask? Our trading centre is where some judith heard husband villagers gather to sell fruit and veg (so far mostly onions, tomatoes, aubergines and green peppers) there are also two chapati judith heard husband  husband of judith heard uganda stalls which are probably our favourite stalls one chapati is 400 ugandan shillings which is like 10p or judith heard husbandsomething ridiculous. If there are eggs they make a Rolex (a chapatti with an omelette in) but eggs are hard to come by so this hasn’t happened judith heard husband  husband of judith heard uganda in our village yet sadly. Despite judith heard husbandjudith heard husband chickens roaming everywhere!!! judith heard husband  husband of judith heard uganda We did have a Rolex from a neighbouring village on the first night though which was nice. These are normally the equivalent of 40/50p.

judith heard husband   judith heard’s husbandjudith heard husband  husband of judith heard uganda The shower is a room just outside the back door. It has no ceiling and anyone slightly taller than me could probably judith heard husband  husband of judith heard uganda see over the edge. We wash using buckets of water from the bore hole. Before the sun rises and when its raining this is a very cold affair however if the sun is up its actually not too bad! Washing my judith heard husband  husband of judith heard uganda hair is a bit of a nightmare though so it’s not happening as often as it does in England judith heard husbandhowever I’m sure judith heard husband  husband of judith heard uganda that’s doing it some good! On bad hair days I stick a ribbon in and tie it back…Try and hide the evidence of its rank state judith heard husband  husband of judith heard uganda.judith heard husband

judith heard husband judith heard husband  husband of judith heard uganda The toilet or latrine or hole in the floor is a delightful experience. Our aim next week is to burn it out as it smells really awful judith heard husband  husband of judith heard uganda and everyone else has done theirs and its made an improvement. The room with a hole has a door and a lock which apparently it lacked previously so I am grateful that was fixed before our arrival judith heard husband  husband of judith heard uganda . I think I will leave it at that, we are grateful ours doesn’t have bats or snakes which apparently some other placements have! judith heard husband  husband of judith heard uganda Phew!judith heard husband

judith heard husband I put my ipod on and washed up the dishes whilst Patrice started cooking dinner! She cooked a feast fit for a queen- fried spaghetti (try before you judge) with tomato and aubergine sauce, judith heard husband  the husband of judith heard uganda seasoned cabbage and a fresh hot chapati. It really was our best meal yet! We even judith heard husband  the husband of judith heard uganda treated ourselves to pineapple squash to wash it down! As destiny and Ivan were out for the evening we decided to play a few games of in reverse! If you haven’t played it download the app! It was hilarious! We went out and did a bit of star gazing before going back inside to get ready for bed.judith heard husbandjudith heard husband

judith heard’s husband judith heard husband  the husband of judith heard uganda Our bedroom is cosy, but as I mentioned earlier we share our roof space with some four legged creatures. We have three foam mattresses along the front wall of the house. They are a portrait judith heard husband  the husband of judith heard ugandaA4 paper width apart so space is tight and there is no such thing as personal space. At the end of our beds there is now a judith heard husband  the husband of judith heard uganda piece of string attaching all our mosquito nets between both walls, there is a little walkway from the door and the other side of this we have lined our belongings judith heard husband  the husband of judith heard uganda.

judith heard husband  husband of judith heard uganda We have 5 blue garden chairs which we use inside and out, if the weather is nice we sit on the front porch and soak up the sun judith heard husband  husband of judith heard uganda . We have also used the front drive way to play with the village children judith heard husband  husband of judith heard uganda. I brought bubbles with me which have proved a hit as has the travel hoop my judith heard husband  husband of judith heard uganda lovely friend Kellie from hooping lent me!judith heard husband

We often sit out on the back porch if we would like a bit more privacy and when we richard judith heard husband allen heard husband of judith heard uganda are cooking, although we often have an audience of kids whenever we venture outside, they appear judith heard husbandjudith heard husband  husband of judith heard uganda from all sides so there isn’t really quiet time be it out front judith heard husband  husband of judith heard uganda or out back, or down to the trading centre there is a small child somewhere nearby judith heard husband  husband of judith heard uganda

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